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Ces deux photos ont été prises à quelques secondes d'intervalle: une blogueuse fait voir l'envers du décor des photos "parfaites" sur Instagram

Imre Çeçen est une blogueuse qui exhibe sa plastique sur Instagram. La jeune femme, suivie par près de 300.000 personnes, pose généralement en sous-vêtements ou en bikini dans un décor idyllique. Les mises en scènes sont étudiées, et elle ne s’en cache pas : régulièrement, elle poste des photos faisant voir l’envers du décor. On se rend ainsi compte à quel point la réalité est arrangée avant d’être affichée sur le réseau social. 

La jeune femme, qui vit aux Pays-Bas, poste des photos d’elle sous son meilleur jour à côté de photos où elle est un peu moins à son avantage (car il s’agit tout de même d’un mannequin au corps tonique et musclé). Elle montre aussi des photos d’elle photoshoppées à côté des originales, un pied-de-nez aux comptes d’accros du fitness qui exposent leur transformation avec plus ou moins d’honnêteté. "Transformer son corps en s’entraînant et en faisant régime prend des années alors qu’un peu de Photoshop prend quelques secondes. Nous vivons dans un monde avec des standards de "beauté". Je n’ai pas une taille fine et des hanches larges et cela m’a toujours un peu complexée. Beaucoup d’entre nous subissent la pression liée au fait d’observer les gens dans les magazines", explique la jeune femme.

Sur une autre comparaison de photos, elle est assise au bord d'une piscine. A gauche, elle relève les jambes et rentre son ventre pour avoir l'air plus fine. A droite, elle s'installe comme elle l'aurait fait dans la "vraie" vie. "On a perdu contact avec la réalité parce que tout ce que nous voyons sur internet, ce sont ces jambes qui ressemblent à des hot dogs. Je suis coupable de poster ce genre de photos aussi !", explique-t-elle.  

??DIFFERENT KIND OF "KEEP IT REAL"?? I know some people are all done with the "keep it real" pictures so I thought I'd try a new one?? I find this one kinda hilarious??chilling by the pool instagram vs real life?? . Anyone familiar with the concept of having all "normal" legs when you're standing but as soon as you sit down they transform into huge piles of meat????? Why is it that those 2 sticks we use to walk expand to the size of Texas whenever they touch a chair??? . This is the most NORMAL thing ever yet us girls seem to be so self conscious about it?? Hello! Your legs are being pushed against a surface, they are supposed to expand! This doesn't mean you're fat???? Even muscle will just look like a huge shapeless pile of meat when there's no flexing involved?? If you don't want your legs to expand maybe invest in stone legs!?? I'd choose marble ones?????? . We've just lost touch with reality because on the internet all we see are those freaking hot dog legs?? I am guilty of posting those too! Yet even I wondered on my last vacay why my legs were so "big" when I sat down. ?? . Thought I'd take a good comparison pic and I'm pretty sure I've got a hernia now?? Creating that thighgap & skinny legs feel was real hard?? I had to arch my back like crazy, hold my legs up (serious ab work was involved) and had to sit on the edge of the pool which caused me to almost fall. Both my camera & I would have drowned in the sadness of insta perfection (I would survive the water though, I can swim!????) To people who do sit like this in real life; I admire your core strenght & willpower! . Yep, that's the truth behind poolside hotdog pics. Truth be told I'd much rather sit like that right pic whilst enjoying an actual hotdog?? What is your fave poolside snack? Kinda wanted to hold a piece of watermelon whilst taking this but it turns out that's only for advanced instagram posing?? I couldn't hold myself up, flex them abs, hold a watermelon & take pics at the same time?? Guess I better start practicing for my next vacay!???? . Ps. I don't think there's anything wrong with the way my legs look in the pic on the right. Just showing you the difference! ?? vs ?? = both yummy????

Une publication partagée par Imre Çeçen ???????? (@imrececen) le

????OMG I DID A 30 DAY SQUAT CHALLENGE AND LOOK AT THE RESULTS!! ???? (new video is up on my youtube, direct link is in my bio??) ?? . SPOILER: this pic was obviously PHOTOSHOPPED?? Anyway I do want to share a serious message. What I've noticed is that many girls and women give up on their fitness journey because they don't see huge and quick changes like in this picture. ?? . I often get messages from girls saying they feel like giving up because they aren't seeing changes yet after 2 weeks. ??2 WEEKS?? I know that results can keep you motivated but we also have to be realistic. Your body won't drastically change in a super short amount of time. Especially not if you're following a plan without understanding what you're doing. ??????? . Yes you can make major changes but that takes patience, hard work and dedication. Remember that if you want to transform your body you need to change your LIFESTYLE! Those "quick fixes" being promoted online usually don't work, are unhealthy or you'll gain back all the weight as soon as you get back to living your normal life. ?? . You CAN transform your body but to do so you need to UNDERSTAND what you're doing. Do you really want to live THE REST OF YOUR LIFE following some guide or mealplan?? If you understand what you're doing you can easily make a plan which works for you! . A new video is up on my youtube explaining the basics of losing weight, which diet you should follow and if diet is more important than training. Go check it out! Direct link is in my bio. ?? . I'll make one about gaining weight (growing that booty) too if you're interested! I strongly believe thay knowledge is power. So start learning and become the one in control of your own life! . Don't believe everything you see on social media????My pictures have been used too to promote weird pills I didn't use and claiming to have been achieved in a short amount of time. ?? Real progress takes time and hard work but you're worth it! You don't need to change though, realise how beautiful you already are!!?? Now get out there and follow your dreams! . Grab your bowl of popcorn cause there will be people who don't read the caption and their comments will be popcorn worhty????

Une publication partagée par Imre Çeçen ???????? (@imrececen) le

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