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Il n'a qu'une jambe mais cela ne l'empêche pas d'être le roi du déguisement d'Halloween (vidéo)

Josh Sundquist avait 9 ans, lorsque les médecins lui ont diagnostiqué un cancer des os. Après un long traitement, il a dû être amputé d'une jambe.

À 13 ans, le jeune garçon s'est lancé dans le handisport. Aujourd'hui, il fait partie de l'équipe de football pour personnes amputées et fait aussi du ski alpin.

Mais ce n'est pas tout... Josh est aussi conférencier et auteur de plusieurs livres. Et surtout... il est très connu sur la toile. Pour une raison plutôt insolite: ses déguisements d'Halloween. Chaque année Josh cartonne avec ses déguisements pour Halloween. Et il n'est jamais en panne d'inspiration! 


HALLOWEEN COUNTDOWN ?? 7.5 days • Here's a throwback to 2012, when my then-girlfriend-now-wife Ashley suggested I dress up as the leg lamp from "A Christmas Story." • I have to be honest here: I had never seen the movie. I grew up in a pretty religiously conservative home where we did not do things like watch PG movies or, for that matter, celebrate Halloween. On Halloween, we actually locked the doors and turned all the lights off so no one would come trick or treat at our house. I didn't wear a Halloween costume for the first time until I was in college. Which all makes it kind of funny that Halloween has become such a significant holiday in my life. (They probably wouldn't admit it, but I think even my parents get a little excited about Halloween now.) • Anyway, I wore this costume to a Halloween party and everyone kept quoting lines from the movie like, "FRA-GEE-LAY!" and "It's a major award!" and I was like, "Um, what?" • I also got a lot of compliments on my ability to walk on a high heel and crutches. The costume itself was a high heel, fishnet stockings, a lampshade (like a real actual lampshade that I just wore like a skirt), and battery-powered Christmas lights to illuminate the lamp. • I took this photo myself. It got shared on Reddit and hit the front page. People went back and found the photo of my 2010 gingerbread costume, and everyone was commenting "look, he's an amputee who does funny Halloween costumes!" And I was like, hmm, OK, I guess I'm an amputee who does funny Halloween costumes. It's not, like, something I set out to be—and certainly not the path my parents would have chosen for me ha ha—but I feel lucky to have stumbled across an idea that brings people joy. So I've continued to make costumes like this ever since. And I'm hoping my 2017 costume (stay tuned!) will also make you smile. • P.S. If you're wondering about 2011: WE DON'T TALK ABOUT 2011. • P.P.S. A few days after Halloween 2012, The Christmas Story House in Ohio (a museum located in the actual house where the movie was filmed—and yes, I eventually watched it) mailed me a full-sized leg lamp with a certificate that said, "A Major Award for Winning Halloween.”

Une publication partagée par Josh Sundquist (@joshsundquist) le


HALLOWEEN COUNTDOWN ?? 5 days • #TBT to #Halloween 2016 • About two-thirds of you have started following me since last Halloween (thanks!), which means you might've missed this costume I wore last year. So I present you with with my 2016 Halloween costume: Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast. • I wanted to dress as this character last year because the live-action version of the movie was coming out a few months later, and I knew Ewan McGregor was going to be playing a two-legged version of Lumiere. I was afraid that after the movie was released, the animated monopod Lumiere of our childhoods would be replaced in the popular consciousness by Ewan McGregor's biped Lumiere. • Which, in hindsight, I don't think has happened. The movie was fantastic, but it seems like people still imagine the animated version when they think of this character. Sidenote: In my humble opinion Disney should have kept Lumiere's original body-shape by casting me for the role. Just saying. • Anyway, I'll be sharing this year's costume VERY soon. Wanna take a guess?

Une publication partagée par Josh Sundquist (@joshsundquist) le

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