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Ancienne anorexique, Megan publie une photo d’elle avant/après le repas de Noël pour déculpabiliser les femmes

A 14 ans, Megan ne pesait que 28 kilos. Aujourd’hui guérie de son anorexie, elle a souhaité publier une photo de son corps à l’occasion des fêtes.

Qui n’a jamais trop mangé lors d’un repas de Noël ? Avoir le ventre gonflé après un excellent repas, cela nous est déjà arrivé à tous. Ce n’est pas Megan Crabbe, 23 ans, qui vous dira le contraire. Hier, la jeune femme a décidé d’aider les femmes à déculpabiliser durant les fêtes.

Accepter votre corps tel qu'il est

Sur son compte Instagram, elle a publié une photo avant/après repas de Noël. Sur l’après, on voit clairement que le ventre de la jeune femme a bien gonflé. Pour elle, pas besoin de culpabiliser. "Notre ventre est censé grandir et se développer pour nous permettre de profiter de toute sorte de délicieux moments", écrit-elle.

Ancienne anorexique, Megan ne pesait que 28 kilos lorsqu’elle avait 14 ans. Guérie, elle a décidé d’aider les femmes à accepter leur corps tel qu’il est. "Vous n’êtes pas moins belle, moins précieuse ou digne d’être aimée que votre ventre soit plein ou vide." Une belle leçon !

TO ANYONE CURRENTLY FEELING GUILTY ABOUT THE AMOUNT OF FOOD IN THEIR STOMACH: it's okay. Tummies are supposed to grow and expand and let us experience all kinds of delicious moments. You are no less beautiful, valuable, or loveable whether you are full or empty. Treat your food baby nicely, don't pull or grab yourself, don't be rough. Be gentle, touch yourself kindly, appreciate the softness. And when the guilt creeps up, tell yourself that everything is okay, and that what you've eaten today doesn't determine one single bit of how wonderful you are. MERRY CHRISTMAS MY LOVES! ??????????

Une photo publiée par Megan Jayne Crabbe ?? (@bodyposipanda) le

The picture on the left is me two years ago, right before I found body positivity. I'd spent the whole summer hungry, counting every bite, working out for 3 hours every day, cancelling plans, and spending every waking moment thinking about food, weight, and how to make myself smaller and smaller. And it worked. I finally hit my goal weight, the one I always thought would make me happy. I was 130lbs, I had visible abs and a 26 inch waist. To a lot of people I had the perfect body. And I was miserable. I still saw so much stomach I had to lose. So much jiggle I had to tone. So many more calories I had to cut out and dress sizes I had to drop. When I found body positivity I realised that it would never be enough. There would always be another part to hate, no matter how many more years I wasted chasing perfection. The truth is that no goal weight will make you happy. No dress size will take away your self hatred. No calorie count will make you feel good enough. And NONE of it is worth losing yourself, your sanity, your happiness for. You are so much more than anything that can be counted, weighed, or measured. Now I know that the problem was never my body, it was how I'd been taught to see it. You know what I see when I look at the right picture? I see happiness, I see softness, I see me. And I'm not going to spend any more of my life fighting the way I'm supposed to be. Bring on the jiggle. ??????????

Une photo publiée par Megan Jayne Crabbe ?? (@bodyposipanda) le

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